Mr. Biden is an embarrassment to himself, his family, Scranton, Delaware, the United States of America and the office of the President. Over the weekend at G7, he repeatedly made a fool of himself. Now even the other world leaders are laughing directly in his face as he forgets that the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson had already introduced the President of South Africa. Joe interjects and then makes some weird double fisted gesture as if he had just won something. Just look at his face after he makes that gesture. Is that the look of someone who knows what’s going on?

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The people behind Mr. Biden being President are despicable and should be charged with elder abuse at the minimum.

It’s worse than that though. Just take a look at what he said in this Syria/Libya article. It’s practically incomprehensible. Now remember, this just happened and he’s meeting with Putin this week. These are two vastly different countries that are hundreds of miles apart. How scary is it that this senile old man has the nuclear codes?

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And here we have Joe saying a lot of people may not know what COVID is and then proceeds to say it’s a system to deliver funds to states for vaccines?

It’s not as if he just had a bad day. Joe’s incompetence has been on full display for quite some time…

This piece was written by Zach Heilman on June 14, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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