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Time Magazine Flatters Biden With Absurd Cover Ahead Of Putin Meeting

For those that might not recall, for four years – Trump’s entire Presidency, Time magazine took it upon themselves to mock, ridicule, and disrespect a sitting president. They didn’t dare hold back as their artists worked around the clock to churn out propaganda aimed at the Republicans. But now that Joe Biden sits in the White House, Time magazine appears to be American as ever, painting a picture of a strong and fearless leader. And while they try to make it look like Joe Biden, it didn’t take long for people on both sides of the aisle to see the absurdity and forced narrative.  

Just within a year, Time has praised and boasted the image of the Biden administration. They even celebrated his “victory” over Trump by deeming him the “dragon slayer”, saying it was “time to heal.” And who could forget when Time couldn’t pick just one person for “Person of the Year”, so they decided to put both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the cover.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Time has yet again outdone themselves by channeling “Top Gun” while painting an illustration of Biden. As you can see below, the latest cover of Time is splattered with theatrics. First, Biden is wearing his signature aviators while supposedly staring down Russian President Vladimir Putin. The only problem – while Time tried to make Biden appear strong and steady, his gaping mouth makes him appear more like a propped-up mannequin.

If the picture wasn’t already horrendous, the title is even more appalling as it says “Taking on Putin.” It’s surprising that Time would say Biden is “Taking on Putin” when Biden himself waived sanctions to build a natural gas pipeline from Russia into Germany. This pipeline will allow Russia to freely flow gas into Europe. In the previous Administration, Trump fought against the pipeline, hoping Europe would buy natural gas from America. So is Biden really taking on Putin, or just there to make nice?  

As for the picture, many online couldn’t help but mock the photo. Washington Examiner writer Jerry Dunleavy shredded the liberal narrative, writing, “Biden takes on [the Republicans, Democrats, Eastern European allies, Ukrainians, etc. who opposed the corrupt Kremlin-backed Nord Stream 2 pipeline which every honest person knows is a malign influence operation which will ultimately benefit] Putin.”

And showing that a picture is worth a thousand words, Real Clear Politics co-founder Tom Bevan tweeted a picture showing the contrast between Biden and Trump’s covers. 

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on June 13, 2021. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com [6] and is used by permission.

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